First I want to welcome Bob Cherny, Mary Russell who attended the August meeting and Colleen Dilmore who attended the July meeting. Bob has a fascination for science fiction and fantasy. He has several stories he'd like to get published. Mary is presently focusing on non-fiction devotional and self-help. Colleen loves to write Children's fiction. I hope you all enjoyed the meeting where we all read and critiqued some sample writing.
This month, September, Vicki Riley-Fischer, came up with a poetry writing activity. The excercise focuses on writing using the senses. Everyone needs to bring a writing pad, scissors and a pen. We also need scotch tape (I'll bring) and a timer.
Now for some writing news.
I got an email from Karen J. Maan,, announcing a Master of FineArts in Writing Program at Spalding University. The degree consists of a 4 semester course of study at the University in Louisville, KY. For more information visit the website @ or email 800-896-8942 ext 2423.
Check out the August NCC Midnight Newsletter. I will forward it to the Osceola members. NCC Midnight hosts Screenplay and writing contests. It also has an intense workshop for screenwriters and other writers.
Beginning soon with FWA there will be a new members only online social networking site. It will allow all members to have their own place similar to MySpace or Facebook but it will be private and opent to FWA Members only. This will not replace the FWA website. I'm going to check it out. I will let you know more about it at the meeting.
Reminder to all the Osceola FWA members and others who attend the One Word at a Time monthly meetings---Let Vicki and me know when you want to present to the group or arrange a speaker and what the subject will be. Come on everybody. This is your group by participating you ensure that you get what you want out of it.
Currently we have these plans:
September , Poetry writing excercises focus on writing sensory details.
October Pat Semler- and possibly Cal Tyrell a local poet lariat.
November we will need to move the meeting date from the 2nd Thursday to the 1st Thursday because of a conflict with the FWA Writer's Conference on the day after our normal meeting time. If anyone wants to present, or has any ideas for that meeting let me know. I'd like everyone who writes longer fiction to participate in nanowrimo. (I think I have that correct). I'll get you the website address later. November is national novel writers month and there is a challenge to write 50,000 in a months time to jumpstart novel ideas.
In December we can review how the year went for each of us as individuals and as a group. What we want to emphasize in the coming year. If someone wants to present, let me know.
January- Eliz wants to present.
Joe Iriarte keeps his challenge open for everyone to get 3 rejections, or notification of publication, by December. Gifts will be awarded at the December meeting.
If anyone knows how to post links to this blog, I need instruction on that.