Monday, June 02, 2008

Spring into Action

My busy schedule, moving at work, and completing the details for my daughter's wedding kept me from blogging in April. Anyway I'm back for those of you who logged in and didn't find an update.

I also regret not being able to attend the May meeting. Thank you, Vicki, for planning and directing that meeting. I hope some of our other members will volunteer to direct some meetings to add a fresh dynamic to the group. I'm always open for ideas.

My daughter's Key Largo sunset beach wedding was awesome and we couldn't have asked for better weather. The attendants served Kelly and Chris selflessly, which helped calm my nerves some. The best man doubled as a DJ during the reception. He was funny and entertaining while playing the music and directing the flow of the reception. Snook's Bayside Restaurant provided excellent service and food. I'll bring some pictures to the next meeting.

Probably because my mind has been preoccupied, I've been going through a dry period with my writing. My excellent therapist who just happens to be a poet as well suggested I need to feed my muse. Then she gave me a book, "If You Want to Write," by Brenda Ueland. It is about the spirit of writing. Why do we write? Where do ideas come from. Although the book was last published in 1987 it is timeless and still relevant. It is still available on Amazon Books. Brenda Ueland 1891-1985, writer, editor, teacher of writing. She was colleague and friends with Eugene O'Neill, John Reed, Louise Bryant, and Carl Sandburg.

For the June meeting, I'd like to share some of Ueland's insights from the book and discuss the topic - The spirit of writing (creating). If anyone has anything to add to the agenda, please email me.

1. Greetings - News
2. Follow up- Committees
3. Spirit of Writing - Intro & Discussion
4. July Meeting Ideas
I hope to see you next week, June 12 at the meeting.