Sunday, June 29, 2008

June News & July Meeting

We had a lively discussion regarding the inspiration to write, what gets in the way of creativity and the spark to begin a new piece of writing. A writer needs to give themselves time to just daydream to feed the muse that sparks the creativity. Especially in the busy world we find ourselves in, we need to schedule time to daydream and just let the ideas flow. Let one idea flow into another and another.

Eliz mentioned the NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writers Month) challenge. The month of November is a challenge for all writers to write down their ideas in Novel format. The challenge is to write 60,000 words in a months time. Eliz said she accomplished this last November and it not only gave her a novel idea but she could use the material for many short stories as well. She suggests starting your day an hour earlier to spend writing.

Writer Tools:
Marketing - Writers Digest Magazine , Bookwire (Book reviews, Industry News
Publishers Marketplace
Publishers Weekly

Query Instruction & Critiquing

Story Organization Software - Writer's Cafe, Write Way, Power Writer.

July Meeting
July 10
We will have a workshop on query letter writing. Everyone bring a sample query letter that they wrote and we will critique or use as a model. Check out the websites above on query instruction.
Writer Challenge
Get 3 Rejections by December meeting
Prizes will be awarded.
This means we need to get those manuscripts off the computer and into the marketplace. Remember each rejection is an invitation to write more and better pieces.