We received nearly fourteen New Year surveys back from our One Word at a Time writers. It was fun sharing them with everyone who attended the January meeting. Nearly everyone responded that they would like to pursue the goal of compiling some of our members pieces for an anthology. The stories should be for a children's audience ages 5-10 and possibly include animal characters. Upon publication, we hope to distribute to local stores and libraries among other markets.
Many members also agreed to speak, teach, or present at the meetings. Other interests included "open mic" readings, writing contests, field trips to writers events.
Another interest was an email critique group. This has already been established. Anyone wishing to participate needs to contact me and I'll give you the details.
Other news: The 'Osceola Friends of the Library' has asked our local FWA group to sponser another writing contest for children. We will be partnering with them and the Osceola County Library System. The planning meeting for this will be in February. Interested volunteers should contact me and I will email you back with the meeting date/time.
Vicki announced Rollins College Winter Writer Events in January/ February on Thursday evenings. Here are the dates. Poet, Brigid Pegeen Kelly (January 29); poet playwright, Derek Walcott (February 5); novelist, Margot Livesey (February 12); poet, Billy Collins (February 19).
See you at our February 12, Osceola FWA meeting. Jerri