I feel like we accomplished some business matters at the last meeting. We discussed meeting times and days and frequency. Since everyone wasn't there, I want to survey everyone about this. Let me know or enter discussion on what days, times you prefer to meet for our group. We set it up a while back for Thursday, but we don't necessarily have to keep it that way. Also let me know if meeting once a month works for you or if you prefer to meet twice a month, same day or different day.
We spoke briefly about the anthology that we started taking submissions for a year ago. This is not progressing as expected. If we want to continue with it, we should consider submission guidelines again. Jenean suggested marketing it on the internet. She has a writing site on Amazon that might work. It would cost less than printing it. Share your thoughts.
One of my goals for the group this year is to bring in some speakers. I met some fascinating people at the last conference and hope to invite them. Do you have any preferences in subject matter?
Oh, Janean is going to help post to this blog. If anyone else wants to, she or I can invite you. We are investigating how to do that. I did it once. It worked for Janean but Vicki said she couldn't get it to work for her.
It's going to be a Great Writing Year! Join us in March. No agenda yet, I'm open to suggestions.