Saturday, January 27, 2007

Finalists of Elementary Contest published

The Osceola Sentinel posted information about our writer's group and the Mill Creek Writing Contest. The five winners were posted. It appeared in the January 1o Education News Briefs provided by the Osceola District Schools. I sent them a picture but it didn't get there in time for the article. Here it is.

Here are the names: Left to right back row - Carmen Richards (Friends of the Library), Jerri Fenton (One Word at a Time Leader), Susan Salano (Judge), Janine Grigolovich ( prize contributor), Tina Sallee (Judge, school laison).

Front Row: Jann Figueroa, Christian Juan, Corenza Jean, Cheyenne Danniels, Danielle Chetram, Laura Bermudez, Kimberly Romero, Giabi Angulo (honoree's who attended the library event)

There were twenty finalists. Five first prize winners, Five second prize winners, Five third prize winners and Five honorable mentions. Their stories were displayed at the library for three weeks.

Thank you again for all the help. You made this event a wonderful success. The children were excited and parents were proud. What a fun way to encourage literacy.